Monday, April 29, 2013

April 25,26, 27, 28 2013

Thursday April 25, 2013
Today we re-grouped and did some chores around the house.   Laundry,cleaning, went to the store to re-stock, and worked on the blog.   Dennis also gave Buttercup and the Escape a wash.   They were filthy after being at the ranch.  

About 6:00 we headed over to Terri & Kevin's house.   Terri and I hopped in their mini cooper and went to a Stella & Dot party (jewelry) for a few minutes to meet some of her friends, ordered a couple of pizzas, stopped by the store for some wine, went to pick up the pizzas and then back home.   But the neat thing was I got to drive the mini!!!   What a great little car.   So we had a good time sharing more stories and talking about old times!!

Friday April 26, 2013

Slept like a rock - window open with a breeze in my face.   Worked on the blog more this morning.   We were excited because Terri & Kevin were joining us for lunch at the campground.   We had a turkey sandwich, fruit & veggies.   Really enjoyed having them over.   Kevin had to get back to work so they left a little after lunch.   So we jumped on the motorcycle and headed for downtown Dallas.   Checked out where JFK was shot and the "grassy knoll"!!!

6th floor!!
Look at the folks and you will see the yellow sign, "The Grass Knoll"

Look at what many folks have done over time, scratched around the word allegedly.

  Also rode over to the SMU (Southern Methodist Univ) to see the newly dedicated George W. Bush Library.   Not open to the public until May, but we were able to snap a few pictures of it.   The day before all 5 living presidents had stood right there.   Was pretty neat!!

When we arrived back at the campground we did a few housekeeping chores and prepared for a late dinner at a sushi restaurant with Kevin and Terri. Another treat was we got to meet their daughter, Emily and her husband Brian.   They met us at the restaurant after driving up from Austin . An experience for both of us. The food was great - we will definitely be finding a good sushi place in Richmond!!!  Danny, David, and Doug, Dennis' three brothers will be up for that, as will my son, Kevin. Had a wonderful time!!

 Thanks Terri & Kevin!!!

 Emily and Brian - it was so nice to meet you!!

OH we forgot to add our waiter to the blog, We promised him we would so he took this picture. To much Saki!!!!!

Also, wanted to to say hi to Amanda (Terri & Kevin's other daughter) & Happy Birthday!!   Next time we hope to meet Michael & Tess - congrats on your engagement!!!

What a great family - so glad we've stayed friends over all these years!!!

Back at the campground by about 11 and off to bed. Hope to get up the next morning and hit the road by 10 at the latest. Headed to Amarillo which is about 450 miles.

Saturday April 27, 2013

On the road by 9:50 and took a couple of back highways to Amarillo. Beautiful country with different landscapes. Had our usual lunch at the refueling stop and continued to make progress on the road. Dennis was getting a little sleepy, as usual, so I took the plunge.

No this is not Robin, its our dog that goes with us when ever we are on the road. His name is Smokey! and he loves to laugh!!!!
He pulled off and now I was in control of "Buttercup". I wouldn't let him know but I was scared to death and didn't want to hurt Buttercup so I was very gentle and only went about 55 mph.

 I actually drove for about an hour while Dennis shut his eyes. As I was saying, beautiful scenery so I kept saying "LOOK", so he didn't close his eyes too much. We saw lots of trains hauling coal and freight. I made him take a lot of pictures.

Well I passed the test and pulled off the road about 30 miles outside of Amarillo. Dennis took over and we arrived at the campground about 5:30, got settled and checked in at the office.

Met the hostess who was just as sweet as she could be. She told us about a few things to see and when Dennis heard her say something about the "best hamburger ever", his eyes lit up. The Golden Light Cafe was a hole in the wall on the famous Route 66 in town.

 We sat at the bar and ordered a couple of special cheeseburgers, a Harley and a Gooney. A  couple of Shinner Bock's, the Texas beer of choice, we ordered and watched the cooks prepare the burgers. Yep, full of grease, it was okay because we had had sushi the night before so it all balances out in the end.

Walked down Rt. 66 and took some pictures then back to the campground.

 Right beside the campground was a Drive In theater. Well Dennis got a wild hair and said let's go do it. So we popped some popcorn, got some left over cake from the fridge, two pillows, and a couple of bottles of water and went to the drive in. It was 9 pm before the first one started.



 Yes a double feature, a bargain for sure, well maybe. The first movie was the new Tom Cruise movie, Oblivian  and the second one was Scary Movie 5.

 It might be one of the all time stupidest movies we've ever have seen. Worst than the one Dennis saw with Chad and Scott, Hey Dude Who Stole My Car. Anyway it was after 12:30 before the second movie had ended and we were both exhausted. Sleep by 1:00 am for sure. Who would have thought we would be in Amarillo, Texas watching a double feature at the local drive in. It's what we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday April 28, 2013

Thought I might sleep a little later this morning, but was up at 6:30.   Tried to be quiet so Dennis could get his beauty sleep!!    Once "His Highness" got up I started some laundry.   Then about 10:30 we hopped on the motorcycle for a ride to Palo Duro Canyon State Park.


  Beautiful day but the wind about blew us off the road on the way there.   But we were really blown away by the canyon!!    Awesome doesn't even describe it!!    Is the 2nd largest canyon compared to the Grand Canyon.   Rode down a steep and winding road snapping pictures left and right.   Also, holding on for dear life!!    Got down to the bottom and rode all the way to the end.


 Found a nice covered picnic table and laid out our feast of a turkey sandwich, chips, orange slices, and plenty of water.   Of course I had a small bag of oreos and animal crackers, so you know who was happy!!   With full stomachs, we set off into the wilderness.


Up and down the trails watching for snakes and prickly bushes. The views were like a postcard - everywhere we looked was just beautiful!! No telling how many pictures we took.

Dennis marked the trail so we would not get lost. It is an old Indian way of marking trails by putting stones on top of each other and pointing the top rock in the direction of the trail. We learned about this when we were Maine last year.  A real Daniel Boone for sure, he such a great guy! 

.    Made it back to the bike and traveled up the rode a bit to another hiking area with a lot of rocks.   Instead of going up the "marked" trail we decide to take another route.   Up and up through rocky terrain.   I almost chickened out a couple of times, but Dennis put his hand out and pulled me up.    After almost having a nervous breakdown - we finally make it back down with no broken bones with Dennis' expert climbing skills :)).

   By then we were hot, tired and ready to hit the road for home.

Made it back in one piece.   Cleaned up our shoes that had gotten dirty on the hikes, put all our stuff away and Dennis gave Buttercup's face a good washing.   Then my wonderful husband cooked dinner AND did the dishes while I blogged and did more laundry!!   He's gone outside now to trim his hair - must be nice.  Wish I could do that -  I'll probably have my hair in a ponytail by the time we get back :)).  
Taking it easy - no movies tonight and early to bed.   It's off to New Mexico tomorrow.    Later...........   

Robin & Dennis     

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