Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 10, 11, 12 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

Ok, we're on the road again!!   Left St. Louis this morning heading down I-55 toward Memphis.    The weather was good, but very windy.    Dennis had to really hang onto the wheel to keep it between the lines.

                                                                       Good bye St Louis

                                                                    Hello Arkansas
                                                      Hello Tennessee, crossing the Mississippi
                                                         Mississippi River is high and flooding
                                                                 State Line

                                           This building is going to be a Bass Pro Shop

St Jude's

Planned on meeting Marianne and Cory (Dennis' niece and her husband) for dinner at 7:00.  If you will remember, we visited them several months ago when we were in our "favorite town" of Red Bay, AL. having the motorhome worked on.  They have a beautiful home in Arlington, TN about 20 miles east of Memphis.   Got to the Memphis East Campground about 4:30, not far from where they live.   Set up camp and hopped in the car to go to their home.   We hadn't had any really good ribs since the last time we were in Memphis, so we decided to go the Corky's.   Had a delicious meal, and thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Marianne and Cory!!   Thanks guys for making time to see us!! 

No WIFI at the this campground so it was a little TV and early to bed.  

Night, night!

Robin & Dennis    

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

 Well, on the road again!!   Left Memphis this morning - not quite as anxious as we usually are.   Guess you know why!!   By 12:00 we were back in good ole Red Bay!!!    Talk about hot - whew!!   Well, the place is packed, so they have us in an overflow lot at Red Bay RV Park just down the street from the campground we usually stay in.  We filled out the necessary paperwork and brought that back to the office to "get in line".   Guess Norris will be coming by to visit us tomorrow to checkout the list of what we need to have done.   Then determine if we can be serviced in the Express Bay or not.   Keep your fingers crossed that we won't be here too long.   There's not too much left around here for us to do that we haven't already done.   Maybe some golf.   Good thing I have plenty to read!!  

                                                                         Overflow lot.
Cleaning the windows

In case you can't find us.

Got a free dinner tonight at the local steakhouse, so we were happy!!   Just had to listen to a 1/2 hour talk on an emergency medical transport service.  

Tonight we're blogging in the laundry room because the campground we're in down the road doesn't have WIFI.   You would laugh if you saw us!!   Sitting here typing away with the washers/dryers, and looking at the game 3 of the NBA finals - Spurs and Heat.    It's a big night in Red Bay!!!!

Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!!

Night, night

Robin & Dennis

Wednesday June 12, 2013

Up and waiting for Norris, after having a nightmare that we were in Red Bay again. Oh my, its true!!!!   Ughhhh!!
Dennis got up and fixed sausage patties on the grill hoping that would speed up the process when Norris came by.

Well it didn't, so I went to the grocery store while Dennis piddled with Buttercup. When I returned he washed the car and the front of the coach.

 A little lunch and off to the hardware store, post office and the customer lounge for internet service.   Also, stopped at the local vegetable/fruit stand.   Picked up some squash, tomatoes & a big ole watermelon.   It's so hot out we thought it would taste good.

While at Piggly Wiggly I got some nice looking ribeye steaks.   So we threw those on the grill for dinner.   Cooked up the squash and had a feast!!

Took a bicycle ride after dinner, and then cut the watermelon!!   Yum!! 

Here we go!!

This helped cool us off a bit!!

Watched a little TV (Dennis was happy - he found a Steven Segal action movie)!!   Then it was lights out.   Have to get up early tomorrow morning to be at Bay Diesel for an oil change!! 

Night, Night!!

Robin & Dennis


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