Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 26, 2013

May 26, 2013

Sunday May 26,2013
Headed to Yellowstone National Park. Our campground was about 60 minutes away so here we go! We started about 8:00 am (which is early for Dennis :). I hope these pictures will tell the story. Unbelievable beauty, I hope you  about enjoy!!!!!!! We did.

        Last shot of the Teton, you go through them to get to Yellowstone from the south entrance.
The entrance .
The first pull over. Yes, a little chilly

What beauty, the river too.

I told you it was chilly! Yes, that is snow on the side of the road.

and on the cliffs.
One of the many canyons.
Snow and the river in May.
Trying to keep warm.
How about this lake in the park. One of many.

                                                             We are climbing.

                                                                   Another lake.
Waiting for Old Faithful
Patiently waiting.
What a cool site! It happens about every 83 minutes.
We want more.

                                                                    More geysers.

                                                           This one was called Grotto.
This one was called the castle.
Look what Robin found in the back yard. Wait until you see the video.
He went where ever it wanted to.

Lunch in the park.
Headed back to the campground and stopped at some of the sights.

                                                            Deer in the background.
                                                                       More deer.

These say it all but we have a 100's more to show you when we return.
Robin and Dennis

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